Fabulous Fat FemmeCast

Another wonderful femme resource found via Sinclair Sexsmith.
The FemmeCast is amazing, I’m listening to the third cast right now about fat femme self esteem. I absolutely love it. They just finished a segment about the Femme Conference which I still desperately want to go to! I wish I had money. Alas. [...]

To Sexcast, or Not to Sexcast

It seems to me that a lot of podcasts that started back in 2006 that I loved have mostly all fizzled out (like mine). Those that stuck with it are now, well, rather internet-famous, such as The RopeCast and Poly Weekly. Those that didn’t… well, we’ve faded to oblivion for the most part, [...]

Submission and Coffee

I’m mentioned in the most recent (April 11th) edition of Submission and Coffee by ThornDaddy and Dollie Llama, as they say it: “a weekly (or whenever we feel like it) educational BDSM couple’s cast with discussions and demonstrations of D/s, bondage techniques, practice, safety and theory; as well as love, shoes, marriage, life in the [...]

The Sacred and Shameless Sexcast (Kinkcast?)

I’m going to re-start my sexcast, and possibly rename it as well. It has been over a year since I did an episode, and I miss it, and have decided it’s something I need to get going again. I bought both sacredkinkcast.org and sacredsexcast.org (the latter is just a pointer to the former) [...]